Human Capital 04-08-2022
Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang Technological University and Erasmus University Rotterdam extend partnership in Maritime Studies

Singapore and the Netherlands are two open economies hat benefit from international trade and exchange. Knowledge and human capital are key for their competitive advantage in a turbulent word. Partnership between the MPA and Port of Rotterdam is testimony of mutual ambition to lead the international shipping corridors of the future. Talent development is part of this ambition!


Nanyang Technological University and Erasmus University Rotterdam are therefore excited to extend an existing partnership in Maritime Studies with another two years. Over the last 3 years NTU’s School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) has partnered with Erasmus Centre for Urban Port and Transport Economic (Erasmus UPT) in Maritime Studies. The first year over 80 students went for one semester to Rotterdam and learn about ship ownership, ship management, marine insurance, maritime law and learned about disruptive scenario planning in maritime trade. The last two years the exchange was successfully done online.


Despite the online capabilities, nothing beats ‘physically being there’ on location and learn more deeply from cultural exchange and real-world observations. Therefore, it is fantastic that the partnership between two leading knowledge institutes has been extended. And, after this Summer a new cohort of Singapore’s maritime talent will come to Rotterdam, connecting the maritime capital of Asia with the maritime capital of Europe! True value in making minds matter.