Innovation 18-07-2024

Recap seminar Navigating the Future: AI’s Impact on Working in the Maritime Sector

The seminar, “Navigating the Future: AI’s Impact on Working in the Maritime Sector,” held at the Maritiem Museum, concluded with resounding success. Organized by the Human Capital Council of Nederland Maritiem Land (NML) and powered by TKI Maritiem, the event brought together industry professionals to explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the maritime sector.

Professor Ting Li from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) opened the event with an insightful presentation on AI and digitalization, featuring practical case studies and real-life examples that highlighted AI’s impact on businesses of today and tomorrow. Her talk set the stage for an engaging and informative day.


One area where AI is making significant strides is in the integration with augmented reality (AR). For example, AR glasses can be effectively used to identify objects, work hands-free, and collaborate remotely, offering numerous benefits over traditional methods. These advanced technologies can transform various industries by enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. By incorporating AI with AR, businesses can experience a new level of operational capability and connectivity, reinforcing the themes discussed by Professor Li regarding the transformative power of AI in the modern business landscape.


Following a coffee break, representatives from Boskalis and Vortech shared a joint project showcasing AI implementation in the maritime industry. They emphasized that the success of AI integration relies not just on technology, but especially on the people who adopt and adapt to these innovations.


The brainstorming session invited attendees to reflect on the day’s learnings and discuss potential AI applications in their own roles. This collaborative session culminated in a plenary discussion where participants shared their insights and ideas.


Lessons learnt:


The session highlighted several key take-aways and implementation strategies.


  • Firstly, embracing an innovative and flexible mindset towards AI is crucial. This involves fostering awareness and effective collaboration between AI experts and professionals from other fields.


  • Given the rapid advancement of technology it’s important to utilize available tools effectively. Implementing AI should be seen as a people-centric initiative, involving those who will use the technology to ensure successful integration.


  • Continuous learning from both successes and failures is another key point. Sharing stories and addressing AI threats through ongoing discussions can help maintain momentum and adaptability.


  • Integrating AI projects with business operations, rather than treating them as separate IT projects, is critical. Involving business personnel can improve the chances of successful implementation.


  • A product-oriented approach has been proven effective. Ensuring collaboration between customers and producers throughout the process is necessary for success.


  • Visionary leadership is essential for aligning the team’s vision with project goals. Inspiring and engaging visionary leaders within the organization can drive projects forward, especially in traditionally conservative sectors like maritime.



The seminar concluded with a networking session over drinks. The positive feedback from participants underscored the event’s success, and plans are already underway for a sequel event to further explore AI and AR’s potential in the maritime sector.


Watch our aftermovie and stay tuned for the next event!